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WOPIT #4 - The Amazing Pad-Man!

Hashy's picture
07/09/2012 19:00
Challenge Details
World of Padman
Challenge Type: 
In the vents... SPIDER... Out of the vents!
Score IPX: 
Score Other: 

EDIT: n0mad wins! 2 points to n0mad, 1 point to chipper and Mango each.

WOPIT IV – The Amazing Pad-Man!

Date has been finalized for 07SEP12.

Official start time is 8PM Australian Eastern with whatever DST calibrations are in effect for that period of the year.
Warmup/pregame begins 1hr before

I will try and organize a nice little prize

Plenty of time to pick availability. Also I would like us to try to have a rotation of maps ready for the night.

Also, the point of a WOPIT night is to HAVE FUN! If you are not found to be doing so, your PC will be replaced with an Apple and your gaming life will become one extended fructose induced hallucination.

Skrue Norge!

Please fill your details into this table, as well as the map choice table further below

Team IPX Attending Yes/No 7 September 14 September Optional Date Comment
Hashy-IPX Yes Yes Yes August 10 or 17 maybe? Punchy FTW!
Fuzz Yes Yes No Available most Fri’s from 9pm onwards unless Parra’s playing Woo WOPIT
Robag Y Y N - after 8pm good for me
n0mad Yes Yes Yes Any Friday is Generally G000d Bring IT
ltmon Yes Yes Yes Meh Just give me plenty of warning, and I’ll keep the date free
chipper yes yes yes woooot
Mango y y y mnak!
- - - - - -

Map choice table & game rules
Welcome to the map choice table.

Works like this:

  • You vote for the map in order of preference to be played
  • 4 choice maps will be selected.
  • The choice maps will be point awarding
  • Whoever has the most points wins!
  • 4 maps means 4 points up for grabs. In the event of 2 players having 2 points, a 5th point awarding map will be played between the two players. If 4 players have 1 point each, the 4 players will duke it out in the 5th round.
  • There will be at least one cool-down map between each point awarding map.There will be only 1 cool-down map between rounds 4 & 5
  • When I see your map choices, I will lock them in!
  • In the event somebody scores 3 points, they win, but everybody else must punchy swarm them for the final map. Winner has choice of weapons AND gravity!
  • Choose wisely

Team IPX 1st Map 2nd Map 3rd Map 4th Map Comment
Hashy-IPX Airplane Diner Anteroom None Oh no I don’t like Anteroom!!;P
Ltmon The one with the thing on the other thing The other one with… you know the one… the good one — there’s lots of blue stuff in it The one where I died that time, but didn’t die because I got stuck and couldn’t get out Oh, and whatever that one was where Hashy kept being killed by my turrets. It has a table in it.
chipper Airplane Diner library one - -
- - - - - -


n0mad's picture

ch00se the Padman maps

If any0ne w0uld like t0 add there list 0f maps bel0w feel free t0d0 s0

We guarantee t0 take them all int0 a hat f0r selecti0n…..
We may even use that p0ll thingeeeeee…..


Fuzz's picture

Hurrah WOPIT 4!!


chipper's picture


excellent, can’t wait!

the airplane map was pretty cool

Robag's picture

ohhhh yeeeahhhhhhh

Paddy pad padman


immrbob's picture

ima be there this time!

ill see what i can do to not miss it

Robag's picture

the server is

up and running, it is in the server browser.


n0mad's picture


t0 all wh0 c0uld attend and thanX t0 Robag and Hashy f0r s0mething ?

Padman is gr0use….

Pics t0 f0ll0w

n0mad's picture

Acti0n Sh0t fr0m WOPIT #4

c0ngrats t0 all wh0 c0uld attended and we l00k f0rward t0 my Helic0pter…..


chipper's picture


i love it!! that match proved that any chump has a chance :)

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